Like i said before im gonna tell you the story of Zelda, Link, and Hyrule. But first i'll explain how it started. In 1987 The Legend of Zelda came out on the Nintendo(NES) or if you're in japan the Famicon. It was so good it spawned 8 sequels, 4 of which came out by Nintendo. Since the other 5 games arent as popular and arent as good either, im only covering the Nintendo games, maybe sometime i'll add the other ones. This little section will help you understand the legend and explain how everything fits into place. For instance have you ever wondered how Link seems to meet Zelda every other game? Well thats because they're different Links. Three as far as i can tell. One for Zelda 1 and 2, one for Zelda 3 and 4, and one for Zelda 64.

First your gonna wanna know the cast
Now read the timeline of events based on fictional dates
If you still dont get it go here
Frequently Asked Questions
All(most)of this information was gathered from the Zelda Headquarters
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